I am Atharva Labhasetwar

Name: Atharva Labhasetwar

Profile: Full stack developer

Email: atharva.ath12@gmail.com

About me

Hi folks, this is Atharva, a young energetic result oriented professional offering 2 years of experience, currently associated with Virtusa Consulting Services. Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad as a Engineer. Extended expertise in Java, Spring MVC, Spring boot, Microservice, Hibernate, React JS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, MySQL and Github/Gitlab.

To work in a challenging environment that would facilitate the maximum utilization and application of my knowledge



Grcocery Shop Management System

Technology: Java, Spring Boot, JSP, HTML, CSS , BootStrap, MY-SQL

The Online Grocery Shop Management System is designed to meet the specific needs of online shopping. It involves two key roles: the administrator, responsible for managing products and prices, and the user, who can make online food purchases. We've enhanced security with Spring Security for user roles and passwords. Our goal is to create a user-friendly online shopping experience for both customers and administrators

Patient Monitoring and Alert System (Microservice)

Technology: Spring boot , Eureka Server, Circuit Breaker, Load Balancer, Circuit Breaker, API Gateway, Config Server, MY-SQL, Hibernate

The Patient Monitoring and Alerts System in the Healthcare domain is designed to enhance patient care and safety by continuously monitoring and managing vital health parameters of patients within a medical facility. The system provides tracking and alerts to medical staff in case of any abnormal readings or critical events, enabling timely interventions and ensuring patient well-being.

Health Education Microsystem

Technology: Spring boot , Eureka Server, Circuit Breaker, Load Balancer, Circuit Breaker, API Gateway, Config Server, MY-SQL, Hibernate, React js, Bootstrap

The Health Education Microservices Application aims to provide personalized health education content to patients based on their medical conditions. The system will have multiple microservices collaborating to deliver a seamless and efficient user experience

TO-DO List

Developed website using HTML,CSS,javascript.

In this project we build To-Do list web app. In this web-application a person can save there Daily routine and Do there daily task As they want to do they can add in web-application.


Developed E-commerce website using HTML,CSS,Bootstrap.

In this Project we build total themes of E-commerce website with a person can shop food online through this application.

TG-Data management

Developed website using HTML,CSS,bootstrap,javascript,MY-SQL,PHP.

In this Project we build Data Mangement web-application for teachers to access student data easily.

Diary App

Developed website using HTML,CSS,bootstrap,javascript,MY-SQL,PHP.

in this project we build an Diary app in which a person can save there Secrets and there daily Life story in Diary web-application by simply login in there own account.


Developed website using Angular,bootstrap and CSS

In this Project we build portfolio web Application.In which person can show there abilities and many more about there certification and there Co-curricular activities.


Developed website using python flask and sqlite

you can see my project repositories on github just click on below link




